Inclusive pedagogical practices and the teaching of mathematical concepts IN Youth and Adult Education (EJA)




There is a significant change in the profile of students served by the Youth and Adult Education (EJA) modality, which is no longer restricted to people who did not have access to schooling at an appropriate age, but also to those who, even schooled, did not have meaningful learning for the development and full participation in social contexts. Thus, in view of the diversity that makes up EJA, we can highlight that this teaching modality is inserted in the Brazilian educational scenario with specific questions regarding pedagogical practices. Thus, considering the need for pedagogical practices that encompass the understanding of the relationships and social conditions of young people and adults, this article brings to the debate the construction of inclusive pedagogical practices on mathematical concepts in the teaching modality. In methodological terms, the qualitative research references were used, using filming for data collection. The research had as subjects professor of the 1st Segment Leveling class and professor of Specialized Educational Assistance (AEE) and two young people with intellectual disabilities enrolled in the respective class in Youth and Adult Education Center (CEJA), located in a municipality in the State of Santa Catarina. It was found that the practices used by teachers can effectively help in the understanding of mathematical concepts. Thus, it is expected that this study will arouse reflections among researchers in the fields of Mathematics Education and Special Education and highlight, in this way, the need for collaborative work with the teaching of mathematical knowledge to the subjects that make up the teaching modality.

Author Biography

Valéria Becher Trentin, Fundação Catarinense de Educação Especial -FCEE

Pedagoga, Mestre em Educação pela FURB e Doutora em Educação pela UNIVALI.


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How to Cite

Trentin, V. B. (2021). Inclusive pedagogical practices and the teaching of mathematical concepts IN Youth and Adult Education (EJA). Perspectiva, 39(2), 1–18.