Crossroads in the teaching of sociology of education: analysis of undergraduate and master's degree curricula in Portugal




The origins of the sociology of education as an area of knowledge in the curricular plans of higher education are, in several countries, inseparable from the emergence, organization, and evolution of training courses for non-higher education teachers. Notwithstanding, the sociology of education progressively began to integrate study plans for courses in the field of sociology itself, as well as in the area of education (which includes training courses that are not specifically aimed at qualifying the respective students for teaching). Recognizing this generic context, this paper examines the presence of the sociology of education in Portuguese higher education’s undergraduate and master degrees, based on the analysis of data about courses, study plans, and curricular units that were in operation in the academic year 2018/19. The results show that the sociology of education is more present in universities than in polytechnics and more in initial training courses than in postgraduate courses. It is concluded that the teaching of sociology of education currently appears to be at the crossroads of three distinct institutional spaces (teacher training, sociology, education), with repercussions on the educational purposes and practices with which the discipline is taught in each one of these spaces.

Author Biographies

Mariana Gaio Alves, Universidade de Lisboa, ULisboa, Portugal

Professora no Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, ULisboa. Investigaora Integrada na UIDEF (Unidade de Investigação Educação e Desenvolvimento).

Ana Matias Diogo, Universidade do Açores, UAC, Portugal

Professora na Faculdade de Ciências Socias e Humanas da Universidade dos Açores, UAC, Portugal. Investigadora no CICSNova.


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How to Cite

Alves, M. G., & Diogo, A. M. (2021). Crossroads in the teaching of sociology of education: analysis of undergraduate and master’s degree curricula in Portugal. Perspectiva, 39(4), 1–20.



A Polifonia da Sociologia da Educação Hoje: entre a atualidade dos clássicos e dos contemporâneos