Identity marks of the science teacher trainer teachers




The present work, of qualitative nature, investigates the marks of identity construction in teachers’ trainers of an Undergraduate Course in Natural Sciences Teaching, which can be deduced when they report on their pedagogical practices. The study aims to identify, in order to understand, how the identity marks of trainer teachers can contribute to Science teachers' training. The interviews constituted the method used to obtain information from the two investigated teachers. Data analysis was conducted in the light of Discursive Textual Analysis. The research results show that the identity marks contribute to Science teachers training, as they show important aspects in Science teaching, such as the problematization of Science in order to make it more accessible and less abstract to the student; as well as the understanding of oneself as teachers’ trainer; and the direction of one’s pedagogical practice towards this purpose, taking into account a coherent knowledge base for exercising the teaching profession.

Author Biography

Ariadne da Costa Peres Contente, universidade federal do pará

Instituto de Educação Matemática e Científica


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How to Cite

Gomes, L. S., Melo, V. S. S., & Contente, A. da C. P. (2021). Identity marks of the science teacher trainer teachers. Perspectiva, 39(2), 1–20.