The political dimension of the pedagogical proposal of the Family Center for Training by Alternation in the north of Espírito Santo




Pedagogy of Alternation, Rural Education, Family Alternantion Educational Centers


The aim of this study is to analyze the inseparable character that exists in the relationship between the educational practices that take place inside an Educational Family Center by Alternantion (CEFFA) in the north of Espírito Santo and the ways of organizing the life of the peasant population. Despite all the contradictions that cross the Pedagogy of Alternation and, in the same way, the educational institutions that use it as a pedagogical principle, this experience has sought to preserve and expand a logic of education different from that which bourgeois society dispenses with, to represent, justify and ground an inherent rationality. The present study, of a qualitative nature, resorted to the use of semi-structured interviews with peasant farmers and CEFFA monitors as a data collection procedure and presents as a theoretical reference the thinking of Marx (1975, 2007, 2013), krupskaya (2017), Mészáros (2006, 2008), Freire (2005, 2006) and others. We consider that in their practice, rural schools, in the case highlighted in this investigation - CEFFA, seek to affirm the possibility of training that matches the materiality of the lives of farming families. Therefore, there is no Rural Education and Pedagogy of Alternation, as advocated by peasant social movements, far from the real movement of the struggle of rural proletarians, because these educational experiences only take place in the contraposition  that exists between social classes that fundamentally dispute antagonistic paradigms of development in agriculture.

Author Biography

Marizete Andrade, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, UFMG, Brasil

Graduated in Physical Education from the Federal University of Espírito Santo Master in Agricultural Education from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro PhD from the Postgraduate Program in Education and Social Inclusion at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). Member of the Marx, Work and Education Studies and Research Group (GEPMTE) - FAE/UFMG.


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How to Cite

Andrade, M. (2022). The political dimension of the pedagogical proposal of the Family Center for Training by Alternation in the north of Espírito Santo. Perspectiva, 41(3), 01–21.