The childhood education in/of the field: a mapping of the theme studies
Childhood Education in/of the Field, Child Education, Field EducationAbstract
The article presents a mapping of the texts referring to Early Childhood Education from/in the countryside, located in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) database. The objective of this study was to evidence the debates produced by the researchers in the period from 2008 to 2019. The interest in the theme arose when it was found that the only national research on Early Childhood Education in the countryside was completed in 2012, as a result of an agreement between the Ministry of Education and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, to characterize the educational practices with children from 0 to 6 years of age living in rural areas, which collected information on Early Childhood Education from/in the countryside in Brazil, in order to present indications for the formulation of a national policy for this stage of education, considering the specificity of rural children. In this text, the bibliographical survey methodology is employed, using the descriptors "Child Education", "Field Education" and the combination "Child Education AND Field Education". The results show that there are still few advances in research on Early Childhood Education from/in the countryside, since most investigations are based on rural education and approaches related to social movements, which reinforces the need for studies to can understand the reality of children living in rural areas, mainly due to the closing of schools and the consequences of this action.
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