Aesthetic-corporeal knowledge in “Alma no Olho” of Zózimo Bulbul: possibilities for an anti-racist education
Black Cinema , Anti-racist education , Aesthetic-corporeal knowledgeAbstract
As devices of enunciation (cultural, social, ideological) films educate us, teach us ways of being and acting in the world. Aware of this singularity of the cinematographic role, we direct our attention to the (trans)formative and anti-racist possibilities of Brazilian Black Cinema. Supported theoretically and methodologically in Cultural Studies and in its crossings with ethnic-racial, media and educational studies, we seek to understand how the short film “Alma no Olho”, by Zózimo Bulbul, manifests aesthetic-corporeal knowledge capable of pointing to anti-racist pedagogical possibilities. Bulbul is recognized as one of the precursors of the Black Cinema proposal and “Alma no Olho”, object of analysis of the research, presents Afro-Diasporic aesthetic formulations of contestation to the racist regime of representation of black populations. It is within these relationships (cultural, pedagogical, racial, filmic) that we question, as a research problem: how the short film “Alma no Olho”, by Zózimo Bulbul, manifests aesthetic-corporeal knowledge capable of pointing to pedagogical possibilities anti-racists? In this theoretical-interpretative beat, we recognize that Bulbul's body, in "Alma no Olho", announces a philosophical performance of denunciation of racism and the colonization process and points, at the same time, to the liberation and affirmation of identities and knowledge. of black populations, demonstrating, pedagogically, that it is possible to break with the whiteness pact and its ways of educating.
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