Textual analysis in the training of teachers of Portuguese as a foreign language: an interactionist proposal





Text analysis, Teacher training, Sociodiscursive interactionism


This article proposes to reflect on the analysis of texts in the training of teachers of Portuguese as a foreign language (PLE). This reflection is situated in a practice developed in the Portuguese Teacher Training Course at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR, Argentina) and aims to discuss a central aspect of the linguistic training of PLE teachers: knowledge (and know-how) on texts as fundamental objects of the teaching task. In addition, and because of this problematization, an intervention proposal is presented, implemented in a discipline, called Comprehension of texts in Portuguese. In theoretical and epistemological terms, this discussion – and the didactic proposal linked to it – is situated within the framework of Sociodiscursive Interactionism. The article begins by defining what can be understood by text and by text analysis. Then, it situates the problem in the case of the training of Portuguese teachers. Finally, it shows a didactic intervention proposal to address textual analysis in teacher education and a possible way of text analysis.


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How to Cite

Miranda, F. (2023). Textual analysis in the training of teachers of Portuguese as a foreign language: an interactionist proposal. Perspectiva, 41(4), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.5007/2175-795X.2023.e92213



Dossier Initial training spaces for future language teachers