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Critical needs analysis for indigenous additional language education: a brazilian example




Critical needs analysis, Indigenous education, Additional language education


Needs analysis is often the first step in planning an additional language curriculum; however, the process should be differentiated when implemented in the specific context of additional language education in indigenous school settings. The present paper proposes a collaborative critical needs analysis process for developing critical additional language teaching materials for an indigenous school. A historical overview of needs analysis within mainstream additional language education is provided, followed by a discussion of more recent work on needs analysis from a critical perspective. The theoretical contributions are then considered in the context of the first author’s experiences conducting a needs analysis for developing trilingual vocabulary materials for teaching English as an additional language in a Krahô indigenous school in Tocantins, Brazil. The account of what was done is used to develop a perspective on what critical and indigenous-oriented needs analysis concepts and procedures should be in future field applications in indigenous education. Conceptual sources such as Participatory Action Research, active interviewing, and a dialogical perspective on needs analysis instruments are advocated as a means to bring the practice of needs analysis into alignment with critical and indigenous perspectives, thus identifying and providing preliminary responses to the conceptual gaps which remain to be filled by future work in this area.

Author Biographies

Michol Miller, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

Master's in TESOL from Oklahoma State University and a Master's in Language and Literature Education from the Federal University of Tocantins. Her primary research interests include critical curriculum and materials development and teacher training for indigenous language revitalization. 

Graham Crookes, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

Professor, Dept. of Second Language Studies, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. Originally from the UK, he has lived and worked in the Asia-Pacific region since 1977. His main research interest is critical language pedagogy and his most recent book is Starting Points in Critical Language Pedagogy (Information Age Publishers)


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How to Cite

Miller, M., & Crookes, G. . (2023). Critical needs analysis for indigenous additional language education: a brazilian example. Perspectiva, 41(1).



A Critical Gaze to Additional Language Education: Pedagogical and Formative Pos