From clinical to pedagogical knowledge: challenges in identifying high skills/giftedness
Mental health, Learning, StudentAbstract
In the national and international literature, there is a constant challenge in the educational processes of students with high abilities/giftedness (HA/G) regarding knowledge and information sharing between the clinical and pedagogical areas. In the identification and diagnosis of HA/G, a psychodiagnostic is necessary to identify characteristics, potentialities, and special needs; however, the diagnosis does not guarantee the promotion of the educational process aimed at inclusion and learning specificities. Thus, this research aimed to discuss ways to understand psychodiagnostics as a resource for knowledge sharing and support for pedagogical actions. It resorted to a narrative review of the literature using the qualitative analysis software QSR NVIVO(r), aiming to perform a content analysis of the articles selected to compose the study. With the sample of studies that make up the narrative review of the literature, it was possible to observe that, in the field of high abilities/giftedness, few studies discuss the promotion of mental health based on post-diagnosis and the understanding of the subject's subjectivity. Clinical and pedagogical knowledge as distinct aspects remain as different strands; however, so that the student with high abilities/giftedness understands, it is necessary that the clinical and pedagogical dimensions communicate to assist the families and the subjects involved
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