Rationality, education and psychological suffering: COVID-19 pandemic as a time frame





Education, Rationality, COVID-19


This article considers the thesis discussed by T. W. Adorno and M. Horkheimer which the way of the modern rationality is an “introversion of sacrifice”. That thesis presupposes that the path of the historical development of civilization requires the deepening of human sacrifice as a price to pay. As it develops, the rationality itself poured into new control devices anchored in digital technologies engenders a new symptomatology. Anxiety, depression, fear, stress are symptoms that are increasingly manifested in large human contingents spread across different regions of the planet. In this sense, the Covid-19 pandemic, in its most critical period, 2020 – 2021, appears as a time frame from which these symptoms became, if not more explicit, at least more intense because of protective confinement measures.

Author Biographies

Luiz Antônio Calmon Nabuco Lastória, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)

Luiz Antônio Calmon Nabuco Lastória.
PhD in Psychology from the University of São Paulo (1999).
Post-doctoral internships: J.W. Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main-AL, and Universitat des
les Illes Balleares, Palma de Mallorca-ES. Professor at the Department of Educational
Psychology and the Postgraduate Study Programs in School Education and Sexual Education at
the Faculty of Sciences and Letters at the Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita
Filho - UNESP, Araraquara. Coordinates the Study and Research Group" Critical Theory:
Technology, Culture and Formation" (CNPq), and is a researcher associated with the Study
and Research Group "Critical Theory and Education" (CNPq).

Luiz Roberto Gomes, Federal University of São Carlos

Luiz Roberto Gomes. PhD in the field of Philosophy of Education from UNICAMP and
Post-Doctorate in Educational Sciences from J.W. Goethe Universität - Frankfurt am Main.
Associate Professor of the Department of Education and Permanent Professor of the
Postgraduate Program in Education at UFSCar.

Antônio Álvaro Soares Zuin, Federal University of São Carlos

Professor of the Department of Education and the Postgraduate Program in Education at the
Federal University of São Carlos. He has a degree in Psychology from the University of São
Paulo (1989), a Master's degree in Education from the Federal University of São Carlos (1993),
a PhD in Education from the State University of Campinas (1998), with a Doctoral Internship
at the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe University, Germany ( Scholarship from DAAD - German
academic exchange service) and Post-Doctorates in Philosophy of Education from the
University of Leipzig, Germany, with CAPES and FAPESP scholarships, Educational Psychology
from the University of York, England, with FAPESP and CAPES scholarships, and Sociology of
Education from the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe University, Germany, with a CAPES/PRINT


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How to Cite

Peres, H. C., Nabuco Lastória, L. A. C., Gomes, L. R., & Zuin, A. Álvaro S. (2024). Rationality, education and psychological suffering: COVID-19 pandemic as a time frame. Perspectiva, 42(1), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.5007/2175-795X.2024.e96757