Know-how at Work of Airport Agents in the Light of the Notion of Knowing-in-Practice




Airport Staff, Know-how at Work, Knowing-in-practice, Practice Based Studies


The association of knowledge at work only with formal education provides a hierarchy of knowledge. In order to value the different types of know-how that involves work, the study sought to analyze the work configuration and the articulation of the know-how of airport agents in the light of the notion of knowing-in-practice. The method was constructed based on ethnographic techniques, such as participant observation, informal interviews and archival research. The understanding of know-how was made possible by observations in the field when looking at the body of knowledge required at work; the requirement for qualification in its exercise; and its role in the insertion of new agents in action. The information collected shows that work practices, although strongly regulated and standardized, can be successively changed and, from there, new know-how and practices are based on an ethical, aesthetic and emotional judgment, inserted in the context of situated work.


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How to Cite

Bitencourt, B. M., Antonello, C. S., & Gallon, S. (2023). Know-how at Work of Airport Agents in the Light of the Notion of Knowing-in-Practice. Revista De Ciências Da Administração, 25(65), 1–17.

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