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Carla Jeucken


In this essay, we intend to establish an interlocution between culture and mental health, focusing on the possible effects that participation in carnival celebrations and/or their organization could have for CAPS users. To this end, we initially present the contextualization of work starting from the relationship between the city of Rio de Janeiro, art and madness. Then, will be addressed the relationship between mental health and culture, highlighting the construction of the carnival block Loucura Suburbana in the suburb of the city. After these explanations, we will discuss carnival as a ritual of integration and will also try to extract the consequences of this anthropological perspective for the field of mental health. We will conclude by stressing that, if carnival celebrations trigger idealizations and impressions that do not correspond to reality, taking advantage of it as a therapeutic device remains pertinent: either by launching a democratic society perspective on the horizon of those who have always been on the margins of it, or by putting into action the constitutional precepts and also the guidelines of SUS, by providing support so that users can enjoy the right to the city and culture.

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How to Cite
JEUCKEN, Carla. LOUCURA SUBURBANA: O CARNAVAL COMO COMPONENTE TERAPÊUTICO DA ASSISTÊNCIA PSICOSSOCIAL. Brazilian Journal of Mental Health, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 47, p. 1–17, 2024. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/cbsm/article/view/91613. Acesso em: 13 jul. 2024.
Original articles


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