Policy on conflict of interest
Policy on Conflict of Interest
Conflict of interest can be of a personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial nature. It may arise when authors, reviewers, or editors have interests that could influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts. Upon submitting the manuscript, authors are responsible for acknowledging and disclosing any financial or other type of conflict that may have influenced their work. If there is, even potentially, a conflict of interest, the author(s) must report it in a signed document, attaching it to the manuscript submission.
In the process of manuscript evaluation, involving authors and reviewers, the journal INTERthesis rigorously ensures, through its editorial team, the establishment of a policy to prevent the involvement of individuals with personal relationships, whether friendly or adversarial, as well as those involving people and institutions.
This procedure aims to ensure the reliability to the process of analysis of submitted material, thereby increasing the credibility of the published articles. In this regard, authors and reviewers are requested to contact the Editorial Board if the following situations arise: a) personal and institutional connections or conflicts (of a familial or political nature) between reviewers and authors; b) financial support obtained during the development of the work that may affect the impartiality of the review, potentially compromising the reliability of the research produced. In the event of any conflict of interest, the author(s) must report it in a signed document, attaching it to the submission For more information see: Disclosure of Financial and Non-Financial Relationships and Activities, and Conflicts of Interest.