REFLECTIONS ON IMAGE AND PHOTOGRAPHY: possibilities in research and teaching of Physical Education


  • Mariana Mendonça Lisboa FAMEBLU/SC - PMF/SC
  • Giovani De Lorenzi Pires



Starting this reflexion from the theoretical contributions such as Guy Debord and Susan Sontag to have a critical understanding of our reality, mediated by images, we intend, throughout this article, to reflect to the reader, some ability to think and work at school with images in educational processes and research, especially Physical Education. Is it possible their use? What can be the interests? How of photography can be enhanced and theoretical-methodologically thought over the educational and scientific practices that have commitment with social changes? These are the main considerations that we give as a challenge to be assumed by researchers/teachers.

Author Biographies

Mariana Mendonça Lisboa, FAMEBLU/SC - PMF/SC


Giovani De Lorenzi Pires

Doutor em Educação Física (UNICAMP). Professor do Departamento de Educação Física (DEF/UFSC) e Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física (PPGEF/UFSC). Contato:



How to Cite

Lisboa, M. M., & Pires, G. D. L. (2010). REFLECTIONS ON IMAGE AND PHOTOGRAPHY: possibilities in research and teaching of Physical Education. Motrivivência, (34), 72–86.

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