Physical education and educational purposes of secondary education: a case study
The research aims to investigate and understand the extent to which physical education in high school serves the purposes of Article 35 of LDBEN 9.394 / 96. The universe of research involves the State School Jaime Verissimo fields and classes of the regular high school. Therefore, we propose through the responses of students, teachers, the theoretical assumptions and the legal documents analyzed to understand the physical education answers the legal guidelines of Article 35 of LDBEN 9.394 / 96. We believe that while physical education as a curricular component try to be a transformative practice that is not all given , but unfinished in its initial design , it still serves the reproduction of society as mentioned in the chart, so that the representations of students leave these conceptions . We understand that physical education this school instrumentalize students for a physically active life in response to the expectations of the CompanyDownloads
How to Cite
ARAUJO, Geander Franco de; GRUNENNVALDT, José Tarcísio. Physical education and educational purposes of secondary education: a case study. Motrivivência, Florianópolis, v. 29, n. 51, p. 251–269, 2017. DOI: 10.5007/2175-8042.2017v29n51p251. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.
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