Trajectories of children's event animators in Belém-PA




Adolescents, Physical fitness, Academic performance


This study aims to analyze the training processes experienced by the event animators with an emphasis on their trajectories and construction of knowledge that were mobilized for their professional training. Fifteen professionals who work in the field of leisure were interviewed, seven women and eight men. We identified that animators mobilize knowledge for professional practice and are linked both to the domain of content and activities and to the personal and professional attitude necessary for the practice of animation. The contexts in which this knowledge was built are varied and include playful experiences in childhood, contact with cultural practices such as sports, dance and theater, in addition to the subjects' work experiences and leisure time. Among the institutions that influenced this formative path are educational establishments, the church and art schools.

Author Biographies

Adrielson Acácio de Lima Barbosa, UFMG

Master in Leisure from the Graduate Program in Leisure Studies - PPGEL/ UFMG. Graduated in Social Communication, Advertising and Propaganda at the Federal University of Pará - UFPA. He served as a scholarship holder at the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - CAPES for the Master's Program in Leisure at the Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG, performing the teaching internship in the discipline Training and Professional Performance in Leisure in the Physical Education course at the School of Physical Education, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy - UFMG. He has experience in the areas of leisure, recreation, research, education and its interface with social communication, artistic and cultural production, organization of fairs, conferences, exhibitions and events, direct marketing and cinematographic post-production activities. Worked as a entertainer in the summer cultural project of the Social Service for Commerce - SESC/PA. Worked as a social educator in the Young Communicators of the Amazon project of the Popular University Institute - UNIPOP. He was a grantee at the Foundation for Research Support and Development in the project - IPHAN/FADESP in the preliminary survey for the National Inventory of Cultural References of Juninos Birds. He was a scholarship holder at the Pro-Rectory of Administration - PROAD/UFPA in the creation workshop. He was a scientific initiation scholarship holder at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq/UFPA. He was a scholarship holder at the Pro-Rectory of Research and Graduate Studies - PROPESP/UFPA. Interest in topics on Leisure, Education, Knowledge, Popular Communication, Social Communication, Popular Culture, Educommunication, Social Marketing and Youth.

Cathia Alves, IFSP Salto

Pos doutorado em Estudos Culturais na USP (em andamento 2021). Doutora em Estudos do Lazer, docente do IFSP, campus Salto. Integrante do grupo de pesquisa ORICOLE/UFMG; LIMC/IFSP; investigadora associada Rede Otium.

Hélder Ferreira Isayama, UFMG

graduated in Physical Education from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1993), master's degree in Physical Education from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1997) and Ph.D. in Physical Education from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2002). He is currently a Full Professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais and held a Post Doctoral Internship at the Faculty of Education at UFRJ (2012-2013), Professor of the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Leisure Studies at UFMG (Interdisciplinary area - Chamber of Human and Social Sciences ) and Leader of the research group Oricolé - Research Laboratory on Professional Training and Performance in Leisure at UFMG. He was President of the Brazilian Association of Research and Graduate Studies in Leisure Studies - ANPEL (2013-2014). Editor of Licere Magazine. He is UFMG's representative in the OTIUM Research Network (Iberoamerican Research Network in Leisure Studies). He has experience in the field of Physical Education with an emphasis on an interdisciplinary perspective, working mainly on the following topics: leisure, physical education, recreation, public policies and Training and professional practice.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, A. A. de L., Alves, C., & Isayama, H. F. (2022). Trajectories of children’s event animators in Belém-PA. Motrivivência, 34(65), 1–21.



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