Aspects of the contemporary in order to think the production of life and Physical Education




Democratic culture, Production of senses, Sensitivity


The present article interprets the contemporary context as a risk to democracy. It suggests the need to affirm an intersubjective and intercultural universality and to seek a critical thinking committed to the development of a democratic culture and a scientific culture. It affirms a praxis capable of inspiring the creation of new ways of production of life in its entirety, of education and Physical Education, feeding utopian aspects through the wealth of experiences and the production of senses that will feed present and future uneasiness and social nonconformity.

Author Biography

Paulo Evaldo Fensterseifer, Unijuí

Doutor em Educação

Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Unijuí), Ijuí/RS, Brasil


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How to Cite

Fensterseifer, P. E. (2022). Aspects of the contemporary in order to think the production of life and Physical Education. Motrivivência, 34(65).



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