A psicogenética de Wallon e a educação infantil


  • Ana Beatriz Cerisara UFSC - Florianópolis - Brasil




Psychology, as well as sociology, anthropology, history and
linguistics have been understood as some ofthe fields of knowledge that can contribute to the understanding ofthe practice of educators who work with children fram Oto 6 years of age in institutions of childhood education. Piaget, Vygotsky and Wallon are among the various theoreticians with which educators have sought to establish a dialogue. In this article, we raise some aspects of Wallonian psychogenetics which indicate the need for deeper study of this theory and its relation with childhood education. A synthesis of the epistemological principies that sustain Wallon's theory is presented, focusing the analysis on the theme of Emotion by understanding that this has a fundamental role in the daily life of educators that work with children from Oto 6 years of age.



How to Cite

Cerisara, A. B. (1997). A psicogenética de Wallon e a educação infantil. Perspectiva, 15(28), 35–50. https://doi.org/10.5007/%x