Aesthetic education in the artistic creation of picture books




This paper discusses artistic and creative processes considering books designed specifically for children. The data and considerations in this text were part of a doctoral study in visual arts at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil, which analyzed the processes of artists creating visual narratives and the reading of these visual images by preschool children. Several interviews with Brazilian and French artists were conducted, in which they discuss their intentions, objectives and ideas at the time of creation, considering the children. I have used two different but interrelated frames of reference, the writings of E. H. Gombrich and Fayga Ostrower. It is essential to understand the creative process to be able to comprehend the finished work, which is understand to be the result of questionings, choices and changes made throughout the creative trajectory. In this sense, the intention becomes visible; to offer young readers images that instigate thought, feed the imagination and educate the eye to other visual languages.

Author Biography

Hanna Talita Gonçalves Pereira de Araujo, Universidade Federal do Acre

Pedagoga formada pela Faculdade de Educação da Unicamp (2007), Mestre em Artes (2010) e Doutora em Artes Visuais (2016) pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Visuais, no Instituto de Artes da Unicamp. Suas áreas de interesse são Arte e Educação, incluindo processos criativos de artistas plásticos e artistas do livro, mediação e ensino de arte, narrativas visuais, livro de imagem, ilustração de literatura infantil, constituição de leitores e práticas de leitura. É professora do Centro de Educação, Letras e Artes da Universidade Federal do Acre onde atua nos cursos de licenciatura com as disciplinas de estágio e investigação e prática pedagógica .



How to Cite

Gonçalves Pereira de Araujo, H. T. (2018). Aesthetic education in the artistic creation of picture books. Perspectiva, 36(1), 94–115.



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