Education as an indicative of a model of society: comprehensions from the National Confederation of Industry – CNI
This article proposes the study of the National Confederation of Industry, which constitutes the highest organ of the Brazilian industry’s trade union system. The objective is to present their enunciations and intents for national education, with emphasis on public education and its action directed to educational policies emanating from the State. For this purpose, as primary sources, three documents were selected that constitute programming for Brazil among such periods, defining objectives, intentions, and challenges for a productive economy, innovative and integrated into the international market, being education considered as one of the key factors to achieve them. The sources chosen for analysis are Strategic Map of Industry: 2007-2015, Strategic Map of Industry: 2013-2022, and Strategic Map of Industry: 2018-2022. With a view to searching documentary sources, we seek to understand them in their historical dimensions, from the relations social, political and economic in which they were produced. From the presentation of the Strategic Maps of Industry, of its statements and intents, it was possible to verify the purpose given to education, which is, essentially, professional training. Therefore, it is concluded that the purposes for which education is defined in the documents analyzed reveal the impoverishment of the educational activities, which acquires merely the professional and reproductive essence of capitalist society.
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