Scale to evaluate the quality of teaching mediation in university context: cultural adaptation and evidences of validity




Higher education, Factor analysis, Teaching mediation


The validation of the Teaching Mediation Quality Scale was carried out with a sample of 531 university students from 12 undergraduate courses, most of them female, with a mean age of 22.5 years (sd = 3.6 years). The results revealed that the 26 assertions were grouped into four factors with high levels of validity (eigenvalues between 1.33 and 9.14; explained variance between 5.13% and 35.15%) and reliability (Cronbach's alphas between 0.71 and 0.91). The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) detected significant differences in the quality of teaching mediation in the areas of Human Sciences, Health Sciences and Technology, in three factors: intentionality and reciprocity factor [F = 12.96; p<0.001]; Transcendence factor [F = 5.42; p<0.001]; Modifiability awareness factor [F = 13.40; p<0.001]. It is concluded that the instrument has a high degree of reliability and validity, and can be used to assess the quality of mediation of university professors from different areas of knowledge.

Author Biography

Wagner Bandeira Andriola, Universidade Federal do Ceará, UFC

Doutor em Filosofia e Ciências da Educação pela Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2002 - bolsista CAPES). Professor Associado da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC).


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How to Cite

Bandeira Andriola, W. (2022). Scale to evaluate the quality of teaching mediation in university context: cultural adaptation and evidences of validity. Perspectiva, 40(1).