Preacarization of work and professor sickness in multicampia contexts: a case study on substitute professors of Bahia state university – UNEB
Such a paper analyzes the processes of the precariousness of the work, in contemporary circumstances, of substitute professors working in a public, state, multicampi and multirregional university, present in the 24 territories of identities of the State of Bahia. In this scenario, it highlights the perspective of university professors with temporary contracts and their representations about the working conditions and relationships they reproduce by considering the nature of the bond to which they are submitted and, also, the specificities multicampi configuration. The research was based on the analytical Druck’s (2007; 2011) assumptions, Alves (2013), Dejours (2015) and Standing (2014). The results obtained, products of the triangulation of techniques such as bibliographic analysis, documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews, point to the experience of these professionals in precarious environments that trigger illnesses and weaknesses of every order by distancing them from the perspective of hiring permanent and stable bonds, compatible with the real needs and functions of such social institutions.
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