Transvestites and transsexuals in research on youth and adult education
Transvestites, Transsexuals, EJAAbstract
This article deals with important issues for the current context of inclusive education, from the perspective of looking at diversities, seeking to understand the presence of transvestites and transsexuals in works and researches on Youth and Adult Education - YAE. The research is organized through a bibliographic research on the theme, based on platforms such as: Scielo Brazil, Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), CAPES Theses and Dissertations Catalog, CAPES Periodicals and the National Association of Graduate Research (ANPED) in national annals and university periodicals, thus qualifying it as exploratory and descriptive (Gil, 2010) research. The methodological procedures will seek to incorporate the state of knowledge, according to Morosini and Fernandes (2014). As a technique for data analysis, it is used the content analysis, according to Bardin (1977), observing three phases: (a) pre-analysis; (b) exploration of the material; and (c) data treatment. It is noticed that there are few surveys and studies about transvestites and transsexuals in education, and that the EJA is a fundamental part in the schooling of these young and adult subjects, for the development of citizenship, and fight for freedom, contributing to the development of the professional path.
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