Digital media and access to academic-scientific content: uses by undergraduate students and evidence for (re)thinking teacher education
Teacher education, Media and information literacy, Scientific education, Digital cultureAbstract
The purpose of this research is to analyze how undergraduate students in Brazil use social networks and digital platforms to access scientific content and knowledge in their area of training. This is an exploratory study with a qualitative approach, using the survey method, in which 108 students from Brazilian public and private universities participated. The results show that participants tend to trust content they receive through communication tools (such as WhatsApp and Telegram) more than traditional media (such as newspapers and television). They tend to use Google and YouTube more than scientific repositories, libraries, or university websites to search for academic-scientific content on the Internet. For this type of content, they also show a preference for sites maintained by foundations and large business groups. Through the YouTube channels mentioned, undergraduate students do not indicate that they prioritize checking information about the training and/or professional activity of the sources generating the content consulted. Despite this, they consider themselves capable of detecting Fake News on the networks and recognize that misinformation can interfere with society's relationship with science. Considering the importance of science education and media and information literacy of future educators, this article highlights the need to deepen the look to understand the strategies and choices of these subjects in the networks, as well as the importance of this look to (re)think the critical initial teacher education in the context of digital culture.
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