Corporeities and play in early childhood education: a view from gender studies
Childhood, Gender, Early childhood educationAbstract
Attentive which defines the need to elaborate prevention strategies of gender violence, through the incorporation in the educational field of the curricular discussions, we propose to reflect on the developments of the studies of Gender and Feminist Theories in pedagogical practice (Louro, 2000). The purpose of this paper is to describe the relationships/notions that children build about their bodies, and analyze how pedagogical mediations result in the circulation of knowledge of gender. The present research is being developed during the postdoctoral period based on a qualitative methodology with children from 5 to 6 years of age an institution of Early Childhood Education (NDI/CED/UFSC). It is a study about the social practices of pre-school education professionals, specifically about the relationships established in children's games, which identifies, as a main result, the reproduction of social inequalities and of the structural-symbolic violence (Canteira, 2007). Children demonstrate a desire to understand their bodies, as well as to name them and attribute different meanings, also signaling the need to intervene in the daily relationships they establish among themselves, with their bodies and with others, since these interactions are related to ways prevention of gender-based violence.
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