Digital screens for diverse childhoods
Families and teachers from all around the world dedicate big efforts to find digital resources to help their children to play and learn, today especially games and Apps for smartphones and tablets. For all educators, it is important the access quality resources, but it is even more important for those who work with children with functional diversity because they also need very specific resources and the market offers them different materials but not always with the adequate quality needed by these children. There are several studies on the potential of these digital materials in learning processes during childhood, but these studies contrast with the results of research about the real quality of Apps and video games for children. It is necessary to advance in the evaluation of the content quality and the interactive design of the games and Apps for all kids. This article shows the results of four different analyses on the quality of Apps for children under 8, with optimal development and with special educational needs (SEN), using different methodologies; and presents proposals to guide the selection and creation of interactive Apps that allow all children to play and learn. Because the purpose of this line of research is to determine the quality of interactive resources aimed at early childhood considering the content but also its form, the design of this content.
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