Feminist scientists: transformative ways of inhabiting scientific systems


  • Uzuri Albizu UPV/EHU




Science/Gender System, Agency, Identities, Feminist Science


This paper takes the voices of six feminist scientists as a means to interrogate systems of power within science. It begins by highlighting the social and historical locatedness of science and gender systems as well as processes by which they have mutually constructed each other. It then describes and situates some of the experiences and discourses collected through interviews with feminist scientists. Power is read as a constructive force, which argues for a centering of discourses and practices that confront and impact on the regulating norms of science systems. For this reason, six feminist scientists are approached as expert witnesses on feminist interventions in science.


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How to Cite

Albizu, U. (2022). Feminist scientists: transformative ways of inhabiting scientific systems. Revista Estudos Feministas, 30(3). https://doi.org/10.1590/1806-9584-2022v30n380944



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