Decolonial Feminism: María Lugones’ influences and contributions


  • Laís Rodrigues PUC-Rio



María Lugones, Decolonial Feminism, Coloniality of Gender, Colonial-Modern Gender System, Plural Feminisms


Hierarchies of knowledge can be noticed in feminist studies, particularly between dominant/mainstream feminisms, generally from the Global North, and subaltern feminisms from the Global South. Subaltern feminisms seek to unmask the social-racial-geopolitical limitations of mainstream feminisms, forging feminisms more plural and inclusive. María Lugones is considered one of the most important representatives of subaltern feminisms in the Latin American decolonial debate. The purpose of this paper is to present the trajectory of María Lugones, particularly focusing on the discussion of her works and theories on Coloniality of Gender and Decolonial Feminism. Her works are fundamental for gender discussions from a decolonial perspective, and further debate is necessary on her important contributions.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, L. (2022). Decolonial Feminism: María Lugones’ influences and contributions. Revista Estudos Feministas, 30(1).



Seção Temática María Lugones

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