Mapping Brazilian strictu sensu productions in social management: identifying patterns and their reflexes on the dissemination of the field
Social Management, Stricto Sensu, Research, Scientific ProductionAbstract
Studies on Social Management began in the 1990s. The construction of this field is based on a model where individuals are placed as protagonists in the decision-making process, giving them a social space for speech. In approximately 30 years of studies and interpretations, Social Management has left records of its scientific evolution. This context led to the identification of behavioral patterns in theses and dissertations produced on the subject. Through the data mining technique, the advisors were mapped and the dissemination of the theme was evaluated. Theses and dissertations made available by CAPES from 2013 to 2019 with the expression “Social Management” were filtered. The application of a segmentation algorithm divided the 271 scientific productions into groups. The results indicate that a small group of teachers is responsible for most of the guidelines. Furthermore, in certain Brazilian states, the field is more institutionalized than in others.
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