Data management in micro and small companies: Compliance with the general data protection law
General Data Protection Law, Degree of compliance, Data protection, Micro and small companiesAbstract
In order to understand the impact of personal data on micro and small companies (MSEs), this research aimed to investigate the degree of compliance of these in relation to the requirements set forth in the Brazilian General Data Protection Law / LGPD. The objective was to verify whether MSEs are preparing to meet the requirements of the LGPD. The approach of this research is phenomenological, of a quali-quanti character. Of the three hypotheses tested, only one was confirmed, showing that the proportion of non-compliance, considering the factor “conclusion of personal data processing”, is significantly higher than compliance. Based on the results found, it is possible to state that the MSEs in the studied sample are concerned with the protection of personal data. However, their preparation is still incipient. In a practical way, it is suggested the adoption of the Data Life Cycle to map the business processes. From a theoretical point of view, this research sought to address the gap in technological and human skills of companies when dealing with the complexity of the digital world and its regulation, evidenced by the increase in digital commerce.
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