Determination of the linear charge density of a soda straw (a simple experiment with accessible materials)
A simple experiment is presented to measure the linear charge density of a rod in order to apply taught concepts of electricity to undergraduates and students of the secondary level of education. Due to the ease of material acquisition, assembly and empirical procedure, the activity can be carried out in the classroom as an experimental exercise during the development of the theory, or at the usual time only to solve exercises for theory application. The latter situation makes it a differentiated activity because it combines traditional exercises with the need to get real measurements. The rod used to measure the linear charge density consists of a soda straw electrified by process of friction.
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Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil - - - eISSN 2175-7941 - - - está licenciada sob Licença Creative Commons > > > > >