La enseñanza de la energía: una propuesta de debate para un replanteamiento global


  • J. L.L. Doménech Universitat d'Alacant – Espanha
  • Daniel Gil Pérez Universistat de Valéncia
  • Albert Gras- Marti Universitat d' Alacant - Espanha
  • Jenaro Guisasola Aranzabal Universidad del País Vasco - Espanha
  • Joaquin Martínez- Torregrosa Universitat d'Alacant – España
  • Julia Salinas Universidad Nacional de Tucumán - Argentina
  • R. Trumper Universidad de Haifa – Israel
  • Pablo Valdés Instituto Superior Pedagógico de La Habana - Cuba


The growing importance given to the study of energy and the detection of serious difficulties in its learning has produced a great deal of researches, most of them centred in concrete conceptual aspects. But, in our opinion, the different difficulties pointed out in the literature are interrelated and connected to other aspects conceptual as well as procedural and axiological not sufficiently taken into account in these researches. Our aim in this paper has been to proceed to a global analysis, trying to avoid ineffective punctual approaches.



How to Cite

Doménech, J. L., Pérez, D. G., Marti, A. G.-., Aranzabal, J. G., Torregrosa, J. M.-., Salinas, J., … Valdés, P. (2003). La enseñanza de la energía: una propuesta de debate para un replanteamiento global. Caderno Brasileiro De Ensino De Física, 20(3), 285-. Retrieved from




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