University women, activism and everyday life in Tucuman, 1969-1972


  • Silvia Gabriela Nassif Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Tucumán,
  • Verónica Alicia Ovejero Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Tucumán,



This work approaches the different manifestations of militancy of the student women in Tucuman and the impact of it in their daily lives during the period 1969-1972, when significant rises developed in the province, in line with the cycle of protests nationwide, featuring broad popular sectors against the self-styled "Revolution Argentina". Our first hypothesis is that at this time women broke massively in student activism revealing a quantum leap over previous periods. These factors, more women in college and their increasing involvement in student politics, carried important changes in their daily lives. Also, the women approach to militancy was not determined a priori by their gender but by their adherence to general social and political demands. However, perhaps through militant practice they became aware of the asymmetries with the male gender. While in recent times we witness the proliferation of various studies regarding the subject of women, the sources of information remain fragmented and scarce. In this regard, we hope that our work represents a further contribution to the history of women and the history of our province. Our theoretical framework includes the contributions of the social psychology from Pichon Riviere. In turn, we appeal to the use of oral history from the collection of testimony from women and men activists during the period.

Author Biographies

Silvia Gabriela Nassif, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Tucumán,

Profesora y licenciada en historia por la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, UNT, Tucumán, Argentina. Investigadora del Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas Dr. Ramón Leoni Pinto de la UNT, Becaria doctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas CONICET.

Verónica Alicia Ovejero, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Tucumán,

Licenciada en historia por la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán,UNT, Tucumán, Argentina. Investigadora del Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas Dr. Ramón Leoni Pinto de la UNT, Becaria doctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET).





Dossiê: Militância e vida cotidiana: os anos 60 e 70 no Cone Sul. Organização:Alejandra Oberti, Claudia Bacci, Cristina Scheibe Wolff e Mariela Peller