A genealogy of contemporary liberalism: a foucaultian criticism of german ordoliberalism


  • Nei Antonio Nunes Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, Palhoça, SC




Based on the investigations of Michel Foucault on the liberal tradition, developed particularly in the course taught at the Collège de France, titled "Birth of biopolitics", we aim to explain the criticism engaged in one of the headquarters of contemporary liberalism, namely the German ordoliberalism. With this goal, we pursue to give emphasis to the argumentative strategy of the School of Freiburg which culminates in what the French theorist called "state-phobia". We also discuss about the neoliberal model promoted by the connection between the market economy, competitive practice and "social policy". Then we show that the ordoliberalism sought to erect a Vitalpolitik articulated with a new conception of homo oeconomicus: the "company man". In achieving this aim, the law is the support of the game proposed by the competitive economics of the market. Finally, we emphasize the existence of biopolitical elements in the neoliberal model of the School of Freiburg.


Author Biography

Nei Antonio Nunes, Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, Palhoça, SC

Bacharel em filosofia, mestre em educação e doutor em sociologia política também pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Professor da universidade do sul de santa catarina desde 1996 (UNISULl).  pesquisador do nepp-ufsc (núcleo de estudos do pensamento político). tem experiência nas áreas de filosofia política, ciência política e ética, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: teorias do poder, concepções éticas, contratualismo, crítica genealógica das governamentalidades dos liberalismos moderno e contemporâneo e biopolítica.




