Sartre: a philosophy in defense of freedom and ethics


  • Roberto Carlos Favero Faculdade Murialdo, Caxias do Sul, RS



This article aims to show the amplitude and derivations of freedom as a concept in Jean-Paul Sartre’s selected works (1905-1980). In this sense, utilizing bibliographic research, it investigates the conditions of possibility of such a concept as a basis for an ethical-moral commitment that translates itself into responsibility towards society. Is it possible to derive an ethical-moral commitment from freedom? Does Sartre's philosophy contemplate a humanist vision? Based on the central axis of its conceptions, understood as freedom, this philosophy presents itself as a praxis, a process of action and reflection in human history. Supporting the philosophy of engagement, Sartre emphasizes the importance of man indulging in practical action to widen the horizons of every free human being. For Sartre, freedom is the condition of man and is based on the attitude of commitment.

Author Biography

Roberto Carlos Favero, Faculdade Murialdo, Caxias do Sul, RS

Doutor em Filosofia na Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Professor titular da Faculdade Murialdo, Caxias do Sul, RS


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Artigos - Condição Humana e Saúde na Modernidade