Cultural democratization and the politics of recognition: notes on the trajectory of the workers´ party (PT)


  • Paulo J. Krischke UFSC


These research notes raise the hypothesis that the Worker´s Party (PT) actively participates in the cultural democratization of the country - for instance, through its initiatives for the recognition of the citizen´s sociopolitical and cultural diversity. First, there is a need to distinguish between the policies of socioeconomic redistribution and those policies geared to sociopolitical and cultural recognition. Second, it is also necessary to focus on the relations between participatory policies and changes in the political culture. Such relations may show that the increasing support to democracy accompanies the recognition of pluralism and of the right to difference, among the youth, and in the locations administered by the PT during the last decade.

Author Biography

Paulo J. Krischke, UFSC

Professor do Doutorado Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas (DICH) da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC).




