Peer review policy

Peer-review process and policy

INTERthesis adopts double-blind peer review in its editorial process.

All originals are pre-validated by the editors who take into consideration matters of content (originality, presence of interdisciplinary methodology, thematic validity, general structure) and form (if there the template is correct, if the necessary information is filled in on the platform, if the file Work Notes is included). Otherwise, if the criteria are not met, authors will be notified within15 days about the rejection of the manuscript.

If endorsed by the editors, the manuscript will be referred to two external referees who will be responsible for the analysis, approval (with or without changes), or rejection of the manuscript within 30 days. When necessary, the editors may request the participation of more referees. The editor responsible for the manuscript evaluation process will notify the author about the status “Acceptance without changes,” “Acceptance with small adjustments,” “Required corrections” (and another referees’ analysis round), or “Rejection” and termination.

In the cases of “Acceptance with small adjustments” and “Required corrections” (and new rounds of analysis by referees), the author will have a deadline of 30 days to submit the revised manuscript to INTERthesis, along with a document commenting on the alterations made. The editor responsible for the manuscript evaluation process will send the referees an updated version of the manuscript, plus the document containing the comments and/or justifications, to verify that the revised text meets the requirements and can be accepted, or still requires changes or will be rejected.

If the final decision is to reject the manuscript, the author will be informed of the reasons and the manuscript will be terminated.

If the manuscript requires small grammar, spelling, and changes in form for the sake of homogeneity of the publication, the editors are entitled to perform such small changes, respecting the author’s style. In other cases, the author must reformulate the text according to the journal’s requirement.

The editors are also entitled to reject manuscripts whose content is significantly similar (plagiarism) to other works in any part of the process, for this purpose the journal uses the  Ithenticate  software for plagiarism detection.

The average response time between acceptance of the original manuscript and the confirmation of publication confirmation is approximately 150 days.