QIGONG: uma contribuição para a Educação Física escolar
: A new ‘science’s conception’ allowed us, through explore-descriptive research, investigate the Qigong that is ancient practical body language of Chinese people, applied as martial arts as in the health’s maintenance. The Qigong passed high and low moments, since persecution of government until therapeutical use in hospitals’ Chinese.According to material consulted theoretician, exists also some research that if relates with others ancient practical. With relation school Physical Education, some works search elements about these practicals, directing didactic procedures, providing new meanings in the pedagogical interaction. As for insertion Qigong in the school, our experience showed success with the works together children of 3o semester Municipal Public School in Palhoça city. We search to understand, through hermeneutics, these new significant elements in interviews with instructors Martial Arts and professors Physical Education, besides, photographic registers and theoretical grounding, with its aspects that showed us ancient body language techniques of eastern originDownloads
How to Cite
SILVEIRA JÚNIOR, Edson Ronei Da; CARDOSO, Carlos Luiz. QIGONG: uma contribuição para a Educação Física escolar. Motrivivência, Florianópolis, n. 23, p. 83–102, 2004. DOI: 10.5007/%x. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/motrivivencia/article/view/2025. Acesso em: 16 mar. 2025.
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