Community centers for elderly as leisure spaces (also) for men: the coordinators look in Florianópolis, SC, Brazil


  • Priscila Mari dos Santos Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
  • Alcyane Marinho Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC)



This study aimed to investigate how Community Centers for the Elderly (CCEs) in Florianópolis (SC) are shaping up as leisure spaces for men. It’s an exploratory descriptive investigation with qualitative approach. Participated of this study four coordinators and a secretary (representing coordination) five CCEs, one of each area of the city. One semi-structured interview was used to investigate the leisure understandings; understandings of CCEs as leisure facilities; and perceptions on the participation of men. The technique of content analysis was applied. Leisure understandings were marked by functionalist aspects (practical activities, fun, escape from problems), and extended the understanding of CCEs as leisure facilities. While the CCE Central and Continente participation of men is limited to married in CCE North and East there are no limitations. In South CCE coordinator has no interest in male participation and generally referred to in the female group.

Author Biographies

Priscila Mari dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)

Doutoranda em Educação Física (UFSC); Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil;; Servidão Olindina Maria Lopes, 904, Campeche. Cep: 88066-028. Florianópolis, SC, Brasil.

Alcyane Marinho, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC)

Doutora em Educação Física (UNICAMP); Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC); Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil;



How to Cite

SANTOS, Priscila Mari dos; MARINHO, Alcyane. Community centers for elderly as leisure spaces (also) for men: the coordinators look in Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. Motrivivência, Florianópolis, v. 28, n. 47, p. 128–144, 2016. DOI: 10.5007/2175-8042.2016v28n47p128. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.



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