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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The file submitted for evaluation: 1) is in Microsoft Word OpenOffice or RTF format (as long as it does not exceed 2MB); 2) the identification of the authorship of the article, as well as other data that could compromise the evaluation by the blinded review system, were removed from the body of the text in all fields; 3) the body of the text is in 1.5 spacing; uses a Times New Roman 12 font; employs italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); 4) no "page breaks" or "section breaks" were inserted; 5) all Internet page addresses (URLs) included in the text (eg are active and ready to click.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, in the About the Journal section.
  • The authorship identification of this work was removed from the submitted file, both in the text content and in the file's ownership data, ensuring compliance with the anonymity criteria of the peer review stage, by the double-blind review system, as per the instructions available in Ensuring Blind Peer Review.

  • After completing the Evaluation stage and if the article is approved to be published, the authors must provide a professional linguistic review of the Final Version approved for publication, and provide data from the professional reviewers, who may be part of the list of recommendations.
  • The file submitted for evaluation was analyzed by the CopySpider ( free to use plagiarism detection tool, and a print of the "plagiarism analysis report screen" produced by the program will be entered at the time of submission.
  • Perspectiva Journal does not charge fees for submitting and processing articles.

  • The titles and abstracts, as well as the keywords (metadata), in addition to appearing in the file (.doc or .docx or .odt or .rtf) submitted for evaluation, were also inserted in the fields of the online journal, in the following languages: Portuguese and English, obligatorily, and in the 2nd. chosen foreign language.
  • The registration data of all authors were fully filled in: full name, email, country, orcId, institution of affiliation/department, degree, area and institution where the degree was obtained, are the minimum...

Author Guidelines

Perspectiva Journal accepts previously unpublished articles from Brazilian and other authors about the theme of education, particularly those related to completed research of a theoretical or empiric nature, critical analyses, and essays that contribute to the most prevalent issues in the field.

The publication of works is conditioned on approval by the Scientific-Editorial Board, based on the evaluation reports of ad hoc reviewers. A blind-review system is used, that is, the names of the reviewers are classified, and the reviewers do not know the names of the authors. The final evaluation report will be presented to the authors. The articles must be rigorously edited before submission, or they may not be accepted by the journal, because style, grammar, and application of ABNT norms are criteria considered in the evaluation. If the evaluators request changes to the text, it will only be published if presented within the established deadlines. The articles should be accompanied by a declaration from the author or authors authorizing publication in the journal and, if approved, that it be available online on Perspectiva’s site

The Journal Perspectiva does not remunerate authors who have articles published in the journal.

Perspectiva publishes articles, debates, interviews, and essays. The opinions expressed in the works published are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editorial Board.

  1. The originals must be 13- 25 pages long and obey the following configurations: typeface - Times New Roman 12, page size A-4, line spacing 1.5, with all margins of  2.5 cm;
  1. The presentation should obey the following sequence: The title of the article must be provided in Portuguese and English, and either Spanish or French; the complete name of the author or authors (with a maximum of 3 authors, at least one of whom is a doctor); their credentials and place of work, including address, telephone, and e-mail;
  2. Abstracts of 100 to 250 words, with simple line spacing, must be provided in 3 languages: Portuguese and English, and either Spanish or French and should contain an introduction, objectives, methodology, and conclusions;
  3. Three keywords must be provided in Portuguese and English, and either Spanish or French was chosen from the INEP thesaurus available at:
  4. The main text should indicate the locations for the insertion of illustrations (graphs, photos, maps, models, etc.) and of annexes to the text if any.
  5. Notes. Notes should be concise, their numbering must rigorously obey the indications in the body of the article and they should be placed at the end of the text. Only notes that are indispensable should be used in the article. The title, abstract, and identification of the author should not have notes. The bibliographic references should not be in the notes but in their own space at the end of the text.
  6. Illustrations, if any, should be produced according to the following standard: a) if the illustrations have already been published mention the source and permission for their use;  b) Tables: must be accompanied by titles, according to ABNT norms.
  7. Citation of authors: according to NBR 10520 (ABNT 2023, 2ª ed.). Entries using "author's surname, date" or "author's surname, date, page" when included in the sentence or when enclosed in parentheses, must be written in upper and lower case letters, for example: a) "According to Silveira ( 1999)...." ; b) "[...] according to what determines the understanding of this concept (Lima, 2001, p. 300)".

    References: in alphabetical order according to NBR 6023 (ABNT July, 2023, 2nd. edition). Examples:

    a) Book:

CARVALHO, Diana C.; QUINTEIRO, Jucirema (Org.) . Participar, brincar e aprender: exercitando os direitos da criança na escola. 1. ed. Araraquara - SP: Junqueira e Marin Editores, 2007. v. 1.

b) Book chapter:

MEKSENAS, Paulo. Ideologia, Intelectuais e Dogmatismo na Ciência. In: MEKSENAS, Paulo. BIANCHETTI, Lucidio. (Org.). A trama do conhecimento:teoria, método e escrita em ciência e pesquisa. 1 ed. Campinas: Papirus, 2008, v. 1, p. 57-72.

c) Articles in periodicals:

JANTSCH, Ari Paulo. A história continua: a formação ampliada do pequeno agricultor enquanto processo de individuação do homem universal e constituinte de um novo ser social. Reflexão e Ação, Santa Cruz do Sul, v. 12, n. 1, p. 79-89, 2004.

d) Thesis/dissertation:

JANTSCH, Ari Paulo. Pequeno agricultor e racionalidade educativa. 1997. 333 f. Tese (Doutorado em Filosofia da Educação)-Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba/UNIMEP, Piracicaba , 1997.

e) Newspaper or magazine article:

FREIRE, I. M. Espetáculo a serviço do sensível. Jornal Notícias do Dia - Caderno Plural, Grande Florianópolis, p. 03 - 03, 03 ago. 2010. Homepage:; Date of publication: 03/08/2010.

f) Homepage:
FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF SANTA CATARINA. University Library. Standardization of academic work. Florianópolis, 2021. Available at: Accessed on: 4 Oct. 2021.

g) Electronic media:

TORRIGLIA, Patricia Laura; DUARTE, Newton. A ciência e a produção de conhecimento na pesquisa educacional: contribuições de Maria Célia Marcondes de Moraes. Perspectiva (UFSC), Florianópolis, v. 27, n.2, dez.2009,  p. 347-374. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 dez. 2010.

h) Eletronic document format (with DOI):

EVANGELISTA, Olinda; SHIROMA, Eneida Oto. Professor: protagonista e obstáculo da reforma. Educação e Pesquisa, São Paulo, v. 33, n. 3, dez. 2007 . Available at: Accessed on: April 2,  2011. doi: 10.1590/S1517-97022007000300010.


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Ensino de História na encruzilhada: ontologia, epistemes e epistemologias

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Esta seção é exclusiva para autores convidados na proposta de dossiê Tecnologias Digitais e Educação: entre perturbações e desafios

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