Methods, telling stories Methods? Contribution to the history of mathematics education in the early years, from 1890 to 1930


  • Wagner Rodrigues Valente Universidade Federal de São Paulo



The article focuses on the reading of history in Brazil and topics related to the history of mathematics education in the early school years. This initial study is to analyze the relationship between reading and arithmetic in the early school years in Brazil in the period 1880 to 1930. It is known that a lot of studies about the history of reading teaching have already been made as well as methodological discussions which have involved this teaching in Brazilian school. However, practically, there aren’t researches that involve the elementary school which is the school of reading, writing and arithmetic - as the subject of a research, considering these items together. Thus, this article discusses comparatively the debates on teaching methods, seeking to answer the question: To what extent discussions on literacy methods are also placed for math teaching method in the early school years? The response obtained with the development of the work, reveals two aspects: a wide aspect showing Study them separately (reading, arithmetic etc.) is inexorable analytical device, which necessarily points to a return to an indicative summary, either being the real purpose placed in the daily school for each course, or those aimed at elementary school purposes expressed in the normative documents of Education at a given time. On the other hand, there is a specific result, which points to the integration of discussions on methods for both mathematics present in the early school years, and for the teaching of reading.

Keywords: History of Mathematics Education. Teaching Methods. Aritmetic.

Author Biography

Wagner Rodrigues Valente, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Prof. Adjunto Livre Docente do Departamento de Educação da Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Coordenador do GHEMAT – Grupo de Pesquisa de História da Educação Matemática (



How to Cite

Valente, W. R. (2016). Methods, telling stories Methods? Contribution to the history of mathematics education in the early years, from 1890 to 1930. Perspectiva, 34(1), 67–84.