Popular education: a collective project of popular social movements
This article analyzes popular education in rural areas, with a focus on education as conceived by collective political actors — popular social movements — to counter the "civilizing" model of the modern school. It seeks to unveil the contradictory concepts that impregnate the concepts and experiences of popular organizations as subjects of popular education. Modern bourgeois education is lirnited to processes in the schools, neglecting learning from experience, culture and work. In the same way tha twork is educational, participation in popular social movements is also educatio-nal considering its role in the formationof class and class identity. Popular education thus has a class character and it is this which distinguishes the abstract concept of modern education. The criticism of education limited to schools does not deny the importante of school institutions nor does it fail to recognize the right of the popular classes to education, which is universal. The paper reviews the concept of popular education, reviving its relationship with the world of labor, where social movements are constituted and which define them in their social and pedagogícal practices.
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