Signs of innovation in university teaching by Lawyers, Engineers and Doctors


  • Gildo Volpato Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC



The purpose of this study was to identify signs of innovative practices in the teaching conducted by professional doctors, lawyers and engineers who teach in universities. The study, of an ethnographic type, was conducted at three universities in Santa Catarina State and involved 393 students and 14 professors.A questionnaire was used, as well as focused group interviews and semistructured interviews. The study demonstrated that although modalities of reproduction and transmission of knowledge are still present, in an amount
exponential to the curricular contents, the teachers studied undertake innovative practices. “Signs of rupture with the traditional forms of university teaching” were found, among which are; A break with the simple transposition/transfer of knowledge; a break with the hierarchical posture in the teacher-student relationship/ a break with the concept of ready and finished knowledge; a break with the classificatory/verifying
evaluation and a break with formality and apathy in the classroom.



How to Cite

Volpato, G. (2009). Signs of innovation in university teaching by Lawyers, Engineers and Doctors. Perspectiva, 26(2), 717–738.