Educating for nature: art biennials and environmental education




Environmental Education, Art, Nature


The research proposes the design of a territory in which education, environmental education and art are present. The intention is to follow the tracks left by Michel Foucault, littering the lines that keep nature and culture separate. For this purpose, materials from artistic exhibitions that present issues dear to environmental education, which overflow sayings and visibilities about the environment, about other ways of inhabiting the planet and dealing with the uncertainties related to environmental crises were analyzed. Curatorial proposals, works, catalogs and educational materials launched on the occasion of the 9th edition of the Mercosul/Porto Alegre Biennial, held in 2013 and the 32nd São Paulo Biennial 2016, were thought of as elements that are part of the processes of production of subjectivities and that appear loaded with statements and visibilities about nature and the ways we learn to see and act in the face of current environmental dilemmas. It is interesting to think about how contemporary art exhibitions that discuss issues that cross environmental education have been educating for nature.

Author Biographies

Caroline Leal Bonilha, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, FURG

Doutora em Educação Ambiental pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, FURG. Professora da área de Arte e Cultura da Universidade Federal de Pelotas, UFPel, RS, Brasil.

Paula Corrêa Henning, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

Pós-doutora em Filosofia; doutora em Educação. Professora da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, FURG, RS, Brasil. Pesquisadora do Instituto de Educação e dos programas de pós-graduação em Educação Ambiental e Educação em Ciências da FURG. Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa Educação, Cultura, Ambiente e Filosofia (GEECAF).


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How to Cite

Bonilha, C. L., & Henning, P. C. (2022). Educating for nature: art biennials and environmental education. Perspectiva, 40(2).