O Banco Mundial revisa posições: quem há de pagar a conta?


  • Valdemar Sguissardi Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba-UNIMEP
  • Nelson Cardoso Amaral




Recently the World Bank has published (March/2000) a new document about higher education entitled "Higher Education in Developing Countries-Peril and Promise", in this document the Bank reviews some of its previous positions concerning this area, Among other initiatives, the Bank now advises developing countries governments to apply their resources preferably on basic education ratherthan on higher education. This article analyses the World Bank recent policies for higher education, the eventuallosses faced by countries that followed its previous orientation, such as Brazil, and put the question: Who shall pay the bill?

Author Biography

Valdemar Sguissardi, Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba-UNIMEP

Licenciado em Filosofia pela UNIJUI (1966), mestrado em Science de l'Éducation - Université de PARIS X, Nanterre (1972) e doutorado em Sciences de l'Éducation - Université de Paris X, Nanterre (1976). Professor Titular aposentado da UFSCAR.

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.



How to Cite

Sguissardi, V., & Amaral, N. C. (2000). O Banco Mundial revisa posições: quem há de pagar a conta?. Perspectiva, 18(33), 65–76. https://doi.org/10.5007/%x


