How should the training of internship tutors be? Analysis of the expectations and perceptions of teachers in training of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE)
Internship tutors, Teaching internships, Teacher trainingAbstract
Numerous undergraduate, master's and postgraduate programs for the training of teachers of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE) include teaching practices so that students, teachers in training (PF), apply the theoretical knowledge acquired to classroom practice. An important figure in the development of these practices is the mentor, who is usually a teacher in charge of guiding and advising the PF. However, there is no consensus regarding his tasks and the training they should have to carry out their duties professionally. The aim of our paper is to better know the expectations and perceptions of FPs regarding teaching practices, focused on ELE but extendable to other language programs. On the basis of previous data collected through a focus group with FPs, mentors and internship coordinators and through the piloting of the materials generated in the Erasmus+ project "DCP_Tusele: Development of the pedagogical skills of the internship mentor in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language", we conducted a pilot study using questionnaires administered to FPs before and after the internship, focusing on the role of the mentor. Therefore, this research contributes the perspective of the PF regarding the accompaniment that a mentor should provide. At the end we suggest some aspects that should be included in the design of a specific training for internship tutors and that refer to their role as pedagogical mediators with the FPs and how they can help them become reflective professionals.
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