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Read more about COMUNICADOREF is a quarterly journal that aims to scientifically disseminate original texts in Portuguese, English and Spanish, in the form of articles, essays and reviews, on gender, feminisms and sexualities, either in the context of a specific discipline or from an interdisciplinary perspective in terms of methodology, theory and bibliography. The published articles contribute to the study of gender issues, and derive from different disciplines: history, sociology, anthropology, literature, cultural studies, political science, medicine, psychology, feminist theory, semiotics, demography, communication, psychoanalysis, among others.
Suspensão temporária das submissões.
Read More Read more about COMUNICADORevista Estudos Feministas, ISSN 1806-9584, Florianópolis, Brasil.
A Revista Estudos Feministas está sob a licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.