Application of agile bpm in the brazilian public administration


  • Karoll Haüssler Carneiro Ramos Universidade de Brasília
  • Raissa Rodrigues Universidade de Brasília
  • Gabriel Adnet da
  • Daniela Almeida



Agile BPM, process modeling, design thinking, human resources, public sector


This research aims to present a proposal for agile business process management (BPM) to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness in this application. The agile BPM incorporates user experience techniques through design thinking into BPM phases. For this action research, it was applied in the human resources process of a Brazilian federal legislative power institution. Methods used were modeling process and design thinking workshops, and questionnaires were applied with customers to compare data. For each modeling processes, agile BPM increased amount of data for method’s validation. Results obtained in the research showed different degrees of contrast between stakeholders’ perception. Some results had shown differences between executors and managers’ perception and customers' view but complemented each other.

Author Biography

Raissa Rodrigues , Universidade de Brasília

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How to Cite

Ramos, K. H. C., Raissa Rodrigues, Gabriel Adnet da, & Almeida, D. (2023). Application of agile bpm in the brazilian public administration. Journal of Administration Science, 24(64), 63–78.

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