"It's not just food; it's also an experience!": identifying causes of value co-destruction in restaurants in Brasília





Value co-destruction, Restaurant, Services, Experience, Services Marketing


Goal: Analyze the causes of value co-destruction (VCD) in restaurants in Brasília based on online customer reviews, which highlight negative service experiences.

Methodology/approach: 1,000 online customer reviews published on Google Maps were extracted, referring to 20 restaurants established in Brasília. Data analysis was performed with the aid of IRAMUTEQ software.

Originality/relevance: The study contributes to developing services marketing literature, particularly the value co-destruction approach in Brazil and Latin America, which are still incipiently exploring the VCD construct.

Main findings: The research highlights 10 reasons that can lead to the value co-destruction (VCD) in the restaurants investigated, and most of the reasons are related to the misalignment between operational resources, that is, intangible aspects of service.

Theoretical contributions: The study identifies ten factors that lead to VCD in restaurants, including service failures, lack of information, inconsistent marketing, exaggerated expectations, inappropriate behavior by employees and customers, errors, delays, business failures, and contextual rigidity. Most complaints are linked to subjective aspects of service, highlighting an approach that is underexplored in service marketing literature, particularly in Brazil and Latin America.

Management contributions: The practical implications of this study indicate that service is one of the most critical points for a positive service experience; therefore, the performance of front-line employees is crucial for restaurants.

Author Biographies

Daniel Alves Oliveira , University of Brasília

Graduated in Administration from FACE/ADM, University of Brasília.

Josivania Silva Farias, University of Brasília

Associate Professor III of the Department of Administration at UnB - University of Brasília. PhD in Administration (PPGA/UnB). Master in Development and Environment/UFS-SE. Specialist (MBA) in Marketing from FGV/RJ; Specialist in Tourism from UFS/SE; Graduated in Administration / UFS-SE.

Renato Calhau Codá, University of Brasília

PhD in Administration from PPGA/UnB; Specialist/MBA in Data Science; Professor of undergraduate courses in the business area at UnB and UniCEUB, Brasília-DF.


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How to Cite

Oliveira , D. A., Farias, J. S., & Codá, R. C. (2024). "It’s not just food; it’s also an experience!": identifying causes of value co-destruction in restaurants in Brasília. Revista De Ciências Da Administração, 26(66), 1–26. https://doi.org/10.5007/2175-8077.2024.e97347

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