Case study and action research: similarities and distinction between the methods
Case study, Action research, Qualitative research methodsAbstract
The case study is a recommended method for research that requires in-depth analysis of the object of study, with many elements and categories involved. Action research, on the other hand, presupposes practice, an intervention in the context studied to solve a problem. Usually, we find the wrong classification of these methods or a mixture of their definitions. After all, what are its main characteristics? Why are they confused? What are their similarities and differences? To answer these questions, we analyzed these methods based on bibliographical research, creating a comparative table that allowed to identify their similarities and distinctions. Among the differences, the objectives of each method, the role of the researcher, the approaches to the theme, problem and object of study, and the relationships with other actors or study context stand out. The steps for conducting it are distinct, as is the articulation between theory and practice. Considering that the characteristics identified in each method, as well as their relationships, had theoretical references as source of research, we understand that the contribution of this article lies in the possibility of exploring the practice and perceptions of researchers with regard to its application. In this way we could contribute to overcoming some of the controversies surrounding the identity of each method. Furthermore, we consider that the effort undertaken to understand their similarities and distinctions can contribute to more solid and coherent methodological definitions in scientific production, when seeking alignment between research purposes and the best epistemological-technical paths to explore a phenomenon.
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